Search Results
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Found 22 items
Acer glabrum var. glabrum (Maple, Rocky Mountain)
Sapindaceae (Soapberry Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Green, Yellow
Zone: Montane
Habitat: Woodlands
Flowering Months: Apr-Jul
Leaf: Opposite, Simple, Uneven, Round
Acer grandidentatum (Maple, Big Tooth)
Sapindaceae (Soapberry Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Green, Yellow
Zone: Foothills, Montane
Habitat: Woodlands
Flowering Months: Apr-Jun
Leaf: Opposite, Simple, Uneven, Round
Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia (Alder, Thinleaf)
Betulaceae (Birch Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Green, Brown
Zone: Montane, Subalpine
Habitat: Streamsides
Flowering Months: Apr-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Betula fontinalis -- see -- Betula occidentalis
Betula occidentalis (Birch, Water)
Betulaceae (Birch Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Green, Brown
Zone: Semi-Desert, Foothills, Montane
Habitat: Streamsides
Flowering Months: May-Jul
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Celtis reticulata (Hackberry)
Cannabaceae (Hemp Family)
Type: Tree
Zone: Semi-Desert, Foothills
Habitat: Rocky, Woodlands, Wetlands, Streamsides
Flowering Months: Apr-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Entire or Uneven, Long
Crataegus douglasii var. rivularis -- see -- Crataegus rivularis
Crataegus rivularis (Hawthorn, River)
Rosaceae (Rose Family)
Type: Tree
Color: White
Zone: Foothills, Montane
Habitat: Woodlands
Flowering Months: May-Jul
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Crataegus sp (Hawthorn)
Rosaceae (Rose Family)
Type: Tree
Color: White
Zone: Foothills, Montane
Habitat: Woodlands
Flowering Months: May-Jul
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Forestiera pubescens (Olive, Desert; Privet, New Mexico; Coyote Bush)
Oleaceae (Olive Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Yellow
Zone: Semi-Desert
Habitat: Woodlands, Shrublands
Flowering Months: Apr-Jun
Leaf: Opposite, Simple, Entire or Uneven, Long
Ostrya knowltonii (Hophornbeam, Western)
Betulaceae (Birch Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Red, Brown
Zone: Semi-Desert
Habitat: Openings, Rocky
Flowering Months: May-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Padus virginiana -- see -- Prunus virginiana
Popilus x acuminata -- see -- Populus acuminata
Populus acuminata (Cottonwood, Lanceleaf)
Salicaceae (Willow Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Green, Brown
Zone: Semi-Desert, Foothills
Habitat: Wetlands, Streamsides,
Flowering Months: Apr-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Populus alba (Poplar, Silver)
Salicaceae (Willow Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Red, Green
Zone: Foothills
Habitat: Disturbed, Wetlands
Flowering Months: May-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Populus angustifolia (Cottonwood, Narrowleaf)
Salicaceae (Willow Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Yellow, Green
Zone: Foothills, Montane
Habitat: Streamsides
Flowering Months: May-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni and ssp. fremontii (Cottonwood)
Salicaceae (Willow Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Red, Yellow, Green
Zone: Semi-Desert, Foothills
Habitat: Wetlands, Streamsides, Woodlands
Flowering Months: Apr-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Populus fremontii -- see -- Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni and ssp. fremontii
Populus nigra (Poplar, Lombardy)
Salicaceae (Willow Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Red, Yellow, Green
Zone: Foothills
Habitat: Openings, Disturbed
Flowering Months: Apr-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Populus tremuloides (Aspen)
Salicaceae (Willow Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Brown, Green
Zone: Montane, Subalpine
Habitat: Woodlands
Flowering Months: May-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long or Round
Prunus virginiana (Chokecherry)
Rosaceae (Rose Family)
Type: Tree
Color: White, Yellow
Zone: Foothills, Montane
Habitat: Shrublands, Woodlands
Flowering Months: May-Jul
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Quercus gambelii var. gambelii (Oak, Gambel's)
Fagaceae (Beech Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Yellow
Zone: Foothills, Montane
Habitat: Shrublands, Woodlands, Openings
Flowering Months: May-Jul
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Quercus havardii -- see -- Quercus welshii
Quercus turbinella (Oak, Holly; Oak, Shrub Live)
Fagaceae (Beech Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Yellow
Zone: Foothills
Habitat: Shrublands, Woodlands, Openings
Flowering Months: Apr-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Quercus undulata -- see -- Quercus welshii
Quercus welshii (Oak, Welsh's; Oak, Shinnery)
Fagaceae (Beech Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Yellow
Zone: Semi-Desert
Habitat: Shrublands, Woodlands, Openings
Flowering Months: Apr-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Salix babylonica -- see -- Salix matsudana
Salix globosa -- see -- Salix matsudana
Salix laevigata (Willow, Red)
Salicaceae (Willow Family)
Type: Shrub, Tree
Color: Yellow
Zone: Foothills
Habitat: Wetlands
Flowering Months: Mar-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Entire or Uneven, Long
Salix matsudana (Willow, Navajo; Willow, Globe; Willow, Hankow)
Salicaceae (Willow Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Yellow
Zone: Semi-Desert, Foothills
Habitat: Openings, Disturbed
Flowering Months: Apr-Jun
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long
Ulmus pumila (Elm, Siberian)
Ulmaceae (Elm Family)
Type: Tree
Color: Red, Yellow
Zone: Semi-Desert, Foothills, Montane
Habitat: Disturbed, Openings
Flowering Months: Feb-May
Leaf: Alternate, Simple, Uneven, Long